The Welcome to North tour in practice!

The Welcome to North tour in practice!

The first tour developed by our Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab students over the past year has been put into practice!

During a working visit by the Social Cultural Planning Office (SCP), to neighborhood initiatives in Amsterdam-North, they also paid a visit to Modestraat Amsterdam – home of our Lab.

There, our partner, Marcelle Miles of Stichting Warm Welkom, explained how they help newcomers and status holders find their way in their new neighborhood. Lablead Roos Gerritsma, Urban Leisure & Tourism Lab student Tessa and naturalized newcomer Ali told about the tour for newcomers they developed: a tour of places for meeting and connecting.

Welcome to North Tour:
During this tour, everyone receives a canvas bag with necessary items, such as numbered maps showing where to walk first, including directions. At each location during the tour, a participant reads a card with information about the place. For example: at the Modestraat you get information about what makes this location special. In addition, the cards contain questions you can ask each other along the way, to get the conversation going and get to know new people.
Bonus: you get to keep the bag as a lasting memory and to create brand awareness. This allows you to walk the tour again later on your own or with a friend!

30 June 2024